Sunday, March 29, 2009

Type Poster Process

I started by sketching the way that Marian Bantjes probably would do. I wanted to really get into her state of mind. How does she work? and if I were to take her route what would I come up with? She quotes "I almost always start with pencil and paper". By working this way it took me way out of my comfort zone, which was a good thing. I wasn't completely confident in what I was doing, and I was fearful that the route that I was taking wasn't right. This is what I came up with after scanning in some sketches...

I also tried to look for patterns since those seem to be pretty common in her work and I took this photograph in Vanderslice.

Which then turned into this pattern. It took on a celtic interlacing/ jewelry look. I was pretty excited when I figured this out. I wanted my design for this direction to completely centralized, which is also something I don't normally do. The pattern that I created above is very rough, but I created it quickly in order to see what it looked like. I have found throughout this project that working with rough and raw forms are beneficial in that it takes a lot less time. If I were to head in this direction, which I am considering, I would clean it up later and invest my time in it. After this discovery I created this poster...
I would like to keep going in this direction. I am trying to work with contrast on this poster, and I think that I will incorporate a few more details. I want the form in the middle of the poster to be more related to the background and not just form on background rather form with background connected in some way. I think that I will increase the saturation of the text more in order for it to be more visible. I also am going to work with aligning the form in the middle with the grid structure that the pattern creates.

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