Sunday, October 25, 2009

Park Bench / Summation of Readings

My object is a Park Bench, and this is my list of 25 words.

sidewalk / grass / sunny / white / birds / old woman / bread crumbs / litter / structure / endurance / abuse / meeting / rest / moment / lovers / relaxation / contemplate / conversation / welcoming / waiting / patience / calm / simple / accessible / happiness

The first eight words are more literal (mostly relied on impressions) while the rest are more figurative and based on emotion.

Summations of Readings

This Means This, This Means That: User's guide to Semiotics.
This article discusses our pre-conceived notions of symbols and what they mean. They reveal that some are more obvious than others for example a Dove meaning peace is more obvious than a goat representing lust. The symbols ,however, always depend on context and the impression of being taught or told what the symbol will mean in advance.
The article also discusses that the eyes remain emotionless while the mouth reveals all. They use a smiley face study to discover it, and by only changing the shape of the mouth they discover that that is all it takes to convey a different emotion.

Hierarchy of Design Problems
In summary this article tells us that there is a problem between "academic" classes and the design studio. Paul Rand beleives that these "academic" classes are stealers of time while Sharon Poggenpohl, a professor at the Institute of Design at IIT, beleives the opposite.
It discusses Graphic Design as a liberal art, and that in those terms graphic design should always be about meaning and how it can be created.
The last part of the article discusses that the idea of design scholarship and what it should be based on. They revealed that design is "usually, directly about persuasion". Design's closest model is Rhetoric, and that is what the judgment of skill should be based upon.

The Berlo Communication Model
According to Berlo there are four parts to his communication model. It is comprised of source, message, channel, and receiver. Source consists of things such as communication skills, knowledge, social system, culture, and attitudes. This is also what receiver is comprised of and they compare skill level of source (designer) to receiver (veiwer), by assessing their skills to decode meaning and how educated both of the levels are in this aspect.
In Source they specified attitude, such as attitude towards self, which concerns a self-conscious student who becomes afraid to ask questions. This then deeply affects his/her design education,understanding and overall development.
Message consists of content, code and treatment. Content is the "substance" in the message that was selected by the source for a certain purpose.
Channel concerns the senses, and designers need to choose how they want to channel his/her message, via seeing, hearing, tasting, etc...

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